Community Fair

'Working Towards Community 2.0!'

C3 is facilitated by OfCare, in association with the Home Office, the Department of Training and Education, and the Department of Social Cohesion and Security, with generous sponsorship from Symbiomundia (formerly Grindley & Bundage PLC).

* New visitors please start at earliest entry so you can follow our story

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Ending the War

The enemy has erased national borders and created a global extremist empire of antisocial behaviour—it must be destroyed. But we’re not just protecting ourselves against terrorists and promoting democracy. We’re bringing all the benefits of progress and modern life—we’re there to restore women’s rights and to oppose the religious fanaticism that dominated before hand. We’re helping others help themselves.

Part of all this comes from the idealism of the 1960s—the better part of that crazy mixed up decade— which has evolved into an antiauthoritarian progressive politics that declares war on the little Hitlers everywhere; the dictatorships that were shamefully backed up by the West in the past, the corrupt regimes that exploit their citizens, are no longer immune.

The War against Terror is also a war for women and gays. Islamists are sexists and homophobes too. We liberated Afghanistan on behalf of the women there and so that people could listen to music once more. And OfPax, as you know, are currently humanely engaged in Jamaica, tackling the twin problems of the dreadful homophobia of that island and the drug trade that is devastating our young people’s lives.

And we’re working on some of our mistakes. We are more sensitive now to the culture of the people we aim to bring liberty to—in no small part due to the increased number of serving women personnel. OfPax are equal partners with their sister agencies in the US, who often bow to our greater experience and sensitivity in dealing with native cultures—decades of bringing peace to Ireland, Kenya, Malaysia etc.

Sometimes, indeed, women and children have been killed but they have been right next to places of terrorist activity. It’s not that the strike was inaccurate but they happened to be there, and deeply involved; they were all supporters and abetters of terrorism—and therefore had to suffer. It’s bad luck.

But we’re also employing Soft Power which cuts down the fatalities. Soft Power is about fighting with cultural weapons; here, OfTru work side by side with OfPax. We have an integrated strategy of counter-insurgency, security, stability, transition and reconstruction operations; we employ special forces, unmanned spy aircraft, psychological warfare and civil affairs units for winning hearts and minds. And it’s the latter that may well prove decisive; we’re making war not just on war, but on the causes of war. So in Jamaica our first task was to take control of the hate music there which was spreading antisocial propaganda.

But why?

But I don’t understand how we got into it in the first place. I don’t know what we’re fighting for. They can’t all be terrorists. They didn’t attack us did they? I mean the Germans. And all those women and children.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Our culture has a problem with death. We’re afraid of it, we resist it. We have a lot to learn from so-called ‘primitive’ cultures in that respect; they accept it as part of a larger process. Of course, the negative side is the way this positive attitude towards death can be manipulated by cynical ideologues, driving such people into fanatical acts that destroy others’ lives along with their own.

The Christie Institute

There’s nothing heroic about having cancer. I had lymphoma some years back. I could have died. I was sick, weak, tired all the time. I was miserable. The drugs made me ill. My hair fell out—every scrap of it—no eyelashes, so my eyes were full of grit. My fingernails fell out, my feet blistered, my mouth was sore, my nose bled. I just endured it in a kind of dull daze. The only heroes were the people who cared about me. And the medical staff. I was lucky—Manchester’s the best place to be. If you’ve got cancer. Christie’s just has all these top research people from all over the world. They’re really dedicated and they care deeply. So here’s to them. So they cure you with the science. Or you die, and that’s it—just an ending and a terrible waste.

And no you’re wrong. Cancer’s not our fault. It’s not our personalities. It’s just a disease like any other. And it makes me sick when other people get called ‘cancers’.

My Mum's Death

My Mum died of cancer.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Cancer Within

It can be both moving and instructional reading the blogs of cancer patients where they give you a day by day account of their heroic struggle with the disease, so we’ve set up a link with the bloggers in C Wing—I see you’ve already come across this, Clary—well done!

We’ll also be showing a series of video interviews, including a demonstration of a colonoscopy which I think you’ll find a valuable warning. It will alert you to the dangers of bowel cancer. Cancer, as I’m sure you know, is on the increase: from the rape we’ve committed on our environment, the unnatural diet we greedily absorb, even our personalities. Yes, attitude is a significant factor in cancer; aggressive alpha males, for instance, are particularly prone.

And I will be initiating a session on mental cancers where we apply visualisation therapy, used by many cancer patients, to rid ourselves of our own spiritual tumours. We’re also planning similar encounter sessions where you can learn from other victims—of disasters, bombings, rape victims, and so on. So not only do you learn about various health risks but your emotional intelligence is being raised too. As you can see, we’re concerned about the whole human being here—physical health and mental health work together in synergy.

Cancer Cure

I really don’t agree with those monkey experiments. But cancer victims rock. They’re really brave. I was reading a blog about this teenage girl who’s got it and she’s really in pain, and the treatment’s awful, but she just keeps going on. We should all be like that.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Making the World a Safer Neighbourhood

But sometimes you have to do something a bit unpleasant to avoid a great crime. It’s like the cure for cancer. Some monkeys experienced pain during the development of new drugs; the patients themselves find the treatment most unpleasant, I believe. And there has been some collateral damage; some foreign civilians may have been accidentally hurt; undoubtedly some hardship has been suffered. But eventually the cure works.

And yes, this war is necessary and must be prosecuted for generations if needs be, but we’re getting there. We’ve been reforming domestic law to make the community more secure. We’re now working with the Allies to reform outdated international law to make the international community safer from antisocial behaviour on the large scale.

And there are benefits on the home front. In the past, we had National Service which taught young people self-discipline, respect, commitment, leadership, and citizenship. And our new deal with OfPax, Youth Community Auxiliaries, provides splendid opportunities for young people to learn these same values whilst serving on exciting missions abroad and making the world safer.

But it's horrible

But I’ve heard some terrible things and seen horrible pictures of burnt children and people being tortured and it never seems to get better. They say the War could go on for ever!

The Truth about the War

Well, nobody likes war, Tristram. But this one’s different. We’re at war, yes, but this is not a war for domination, for territory—not even for oil, as some of our enemies claim—but for Peace. Have a look at some of the alternative blogs we’ve directed you to. Writers of such integrity as David Aaranovitch, Oliver Kamm, Nick Cohen, and Francis Wheen have pointed out some of the ways in which this war’s been lied about and about the kind of people who are spreading those lies. And to get the real story, from the people who are actually there on the ground, the people who have to face the consequences of war and not just talk about it, there’s Milbloggers. They’re blogs run by the lads and women out there and their families—approved by OfPax—showing our human side, giving you intimate stories about real individuals—that’s the virtue of blogs, enlisting sympathy and connecting people together.

Many of the people who go on those marches are Islamists. They’re intolerant homophobes. Islamofascists. Men who force their own daughters into marriages they don’t want and perform horrible mutilations on them. They’re anti-Semites and I’m afraid that, because of their culture, many of them are paedophiles who seduce young boys. Among those people marching are many potential terrorists who preach violence to gullible young people. Others are people discontented with the downside of modern life. Many of us can see the errors of this materialist world we live in but, with some people, it’s become grossly neurotic. They turn against our society completely. Some of these people mistakenly believe that any friend of their ‘enemy’ (they mean the Americans!) is their friend too, so out of pure hatred for our wealth and freedoms, they’re prepared to side with any terrorist who shares that hatred.
And they’ve fooled the many well-meaning people who march with them—I don’t mean the professional Stalinists and Trotskyists; I don’t mean the cynical do-gooders from the chattering classes. I mean the genuine, if misguided, liberals like yourself who, understandably, don’t like the unpleasantness of war.

Friday, June 16, 2006

But what about the War?

The fascists sound bad. They’re really intolerant and offensive. But War’s wrong, isn’t it? And if it’s our bad animal parts or memes that make us do it then we can go spiritual and do better, like Dr Zoe says. I really admire those people who risk going on the marches to stop the War, I don’t care who hears me say it or who they tell.


You’re getting them to smoke! Not even humans can do that. They’ll get cancer!

Puff Puff

Me smoke good big cigar.

A misunderstanding

No, no, you misunderstand, Clary—these are psychological experiments. They aren’t subject to any bodily discomfort. We’re very strongly bound by legislation there—unfortunately in my opinion. And they’ve all volunteered of their own free will.

Experiments on Animals!

You’re doing experiments on them! That’s outrageous! What about their rights? After everything that’s just been said about fascism. That’s as bad as the Nazis!

Meet Nim

Yes, well done, Clary! Nim is actually one of our brighter guests in P Wing. Well done, Nim! Extra fruit for you, boy! We’re doing experiments on the acquisition of language through controlled behavioural stimuli.

Monkey in the Room!

I know! It’s one of those monkeys from P Wing! Just like you promised! How sweet!!!

Get Fruit

Many of us Hit Hit Hit quertyuiop. Then get fruit.

The Germans

It’s funny. I don’t get it. I mean I don’t know much about politics and geography and all that but I thought Germany was on our side now. But it just said on the news we’re in there with the Yanks. I mean there’s the last War and all that and Don’t Mention It etc. etc., and all the football games, but I thought we were all mates now.

Defending Our Values

Well, you’re certainly right about Marx—he was a very dangerous sort indeed—more about him later. But he’s a bit of a dead duck now, Don. And it’s true fascists are misguided patriots of a sort—but not the kind we’d welcome. Our biggest barrier to developing a new, inclusive patriotism is the fascists. They need to be stopped because they’re yobs and bullies. They’re not only abusing the flag; they’re whipping up an atmosphere of intolerance and islamophobia, they’re offending people, they’re aggressive towards foreigners, immigrants, and refugees, they’re against free speech. In short, they hate our values as much as the terrorists and other antisocial elements do.

There have been fascists throughout history—Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Stalin. They began in Ancient Rome. That’s one reason why, in a sense history doesn’t mean anything. Nothing really changes. The tiny microhistories—the real stories of real people’s lives—are more meaningful than the grand narratives of the past.

And we must always be on our guard to stop fascism happening again. There are new kinds of fascism springing up everywhere, new Hitlers everywhere. Whether it’s some tinpot dictator in Africa or some yob on a street corner or some Islington intellectual demanding more rights for criminals and outsiders— islamofascism, ecofascism, liberofascism—it’s all the same menace to community relations.

The youth who spits at old ladies displays the same antisocial lack of respect for those of a different background as Hitler did towards the Jews—it’s a matter of degree. The biggest threat we face is perhaps not the growing number of intolerant dictators in the world but the little Hitlers in our own society—the Hitlers of the shopping precinct, of the home and the playground. Like the football hooligans whose movements are being traced and controlled as we speak.

Unfortunately, many misguided working-class people feel the politicians are too distant from them and the fascist lies tempt them. Perhaps our leaders have been too elitist in the past, but we have been informed they’re planning lots more focus groups and all sorts of innovative campaigns to make their policies more appealing and understandable. And OfCare is developing strategies to tackle the problem and defend the values of Community, Identity, and Stability. So promoting values of democracy and co-operation and respect for difference at every level of society is a great measure for preventing the escalation of this cancer that is eating us from within. And it’s something that we can all work on together. We need your participation, you of the decent majority. Society is like a bundle of twigs—one on its own is fragile, but bound together we become strong.

A British Disease

I’m afraid these fascists are our own home-grown variety, Joseph, our own refuse: white, male, tattooed, pot-bellied 35-55 year olds in white vans—you’ve seen them on TV complaining about ‘our houses going to asylum seekers’ or ‘we’re losing control of our country’—as if they’ve not seen our Border Patrols at work!

Who's that?

Who are you?

Hey everyone!

Eat green shit muthafuckas.

Fascists and the War

You were talking about the flag and fascists Mrs Hart. So are these fascists German like in that other war then? Is that why we’re fighting them? Why would they want our flag then?