Community Fair

'Working Towards Community 2.0!'

C3 is facilitated by OfCare, in association with the Home Office, the Department of Training and Education, and the Department of Social Cohesion and Security, with generous sponsorship from Symbiomundia (formerly Grindley & Bundage PLC).

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Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Truth about the War

Well, nobody likes war, Tristram. But this one’s different. We’re at war, yes, but this is not a war for domination, for territory—not even for oil, as some of our enemies claim—but for Peace. Have a look at some of the alternative blogs we’ve directed you to. Writers of such integrity as David Aaranovitch, Oliver Kamm, Nick Cohen, and Francis Wheen have pointed out some of the ways in which this war’s been lied about and about the kind of people who are spreading those lies. And to get the real story, from the people who are actually there on the ground, the people who have to face the consequences of war and not just talk about it, there’s Milbloggers. They’re blogs run by the lads and women out there and their families—approved by OfPax—showing our human side, giving you intimate stories about real individuals—that’s the virtue of blogs, enlisting sympathy and connecting people together.

Many of the people who go on those marches are Islamists. They’re intolerant homophobes. Islamofascists. Men who force their own daughters into marriages they don’t want and perform horrible mutilations on them. They’re anti-Semites and I’m afraid that, because of their culture, many of them are paedophiles who seduce young boys. Among those people marching are many potential terrorists who preach violence to gullible young people. Others are people discontented with the downside of modern life. Many of us can see the errors of this materialist world we live in but, with some people, it’s become grossly neurotic. They turn against our society completely. Some of these people mistakenly believe that any friend of their ‘enemy’ (they mean the Americans!) is their friend too, so out of pure hatred for our wealth and freedoms, they’re prepared to side with any terrorist who shares that hatred.
And they’ve fooled the many well-meaning people who march with them—I don’t mean the professional Stalinists and Trotskyists; I don’t mean the cynical do-gooders from the chattering classes. I mean the genuine, if misguided, liberals like yourself who, understandably, don’t like the unpleasantness of war.


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