Making the World a Safer Neighbourhood
But sometimes you have to do something a bit unpleasant to avoid a great crime. It’s like the cure for cancer. Some monkeys experienced pain during the development of new drugs; the patients themselves find the treatment most unpleasant, I believe. And there has been some collateral damage; some foreign civilians may have been accidentally hurt; undoubtedly some hardship has been suffered. But eventually the cure works.
And yes, this war is necessary and must be prosecuted for generations if needs be, but we’re getting there. We’ve been reforming domestic law to make the community more secure. We’re now working with the Allies to reform outdated international law to make the international community safer from antisocial behaviour on the large scale.
And there are benefits on the home front. In the past, we had National Service which taught young people self-discipline, respect, commitment, leadership, and citizenship. And our new deal with OfPax, Youth Community Auxiliaries, provides splendid opportunities for young people to learn these same values whilst serving on exciting missions abroad and making the world safer.
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