Community Fair

'Working Towards Community 2.0!'

C3 is facilitated by OfCare, in association with the Home Office, the Department of Training and Education, and the Department of Social Cohesion and Security, with generous sponsorship from Symbiomundia (formerly Grindley & Bundage PLC).

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Friday, April 21, 2006

Bear Necessities

I’ve got an idea for Mrs Hart’s bear story:

When he saw all the porridge was gone the poor black bear sobbed his heart out, for he had a she-bear and sixteen little cubs in a tiny crowded cottage in the shitty part of the woods, and he wondered desperately how he could feed them all, knowing he had but one packet of Reddybrek in the cupboard. The brown bear was also troubled. The polar bear was not so sad, however—she had prudently set aside a secret store of sacks and sacks of Quaker Oats which she’d forgotten to tell the others about and which she would kindly sell to them for the few gold coins they had left, so she’d be ok, ta.


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