Community Fair

'Working Towards Community 2.0!'

C3 is facilitated by OfCare, in association with the Home Office, the Department of Training and Education, and the Department of Social Cohesion and Security, with generous sponsorship from Symbiomundia (formerly Grindley & Bundage PLC).

* New visitors please start at earliest entry so you can follow our story

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Who Ate My Porridge? II

Well, the bears came home one evening—the black bear had been chopping wood in the forest, the brown bear had been trundling his wheelbarrow to market, and the polar bear had been playing exhausting rounds of golf with some important business contacts, so they were all very tired and hungry and ready for the porridge that the black bear had set simmering on the stove that morning. But what should they find when they got home? The big iron pot was empty! The porridge was all gone! Someone had filled, and refilled, one of the blue china bowls from the dresser, set it on the red-and-white checked tablecloth, and eaten the lot!

‘Who ate my porridge?’ cried the three bears in unison (notice how they did everything together, not like in the old story that you have heard). Who did eat it? Can you guess? What does the sudden disappearance mean in business terms? Think of the moments in your life or work when someone has eaten your porridge. Do you cry, or do you do something else instead?

The three bears didn’t cry. They went to sit down and think. The black bear sat on his simple, but homely, little wooden stool. The brown bear sat in his comfy old battered armchair. But something wasn’t right.
‘My little stool’s all wobbly! Oops!’ And it broke.
‘Ouch! What’s that? said the brown bear, for a spring had suddenly poked through the cushions into his bottom!
Then there came a yell from the boardroom where the polar bear had gone to sit in her shiny new leather swivel chair that she needed to impress her business contacts: ‘There’s porridge all over my new chair!’
‘Who’s been sitting in my chair? said all three bears in chorus.
Suddenly they heard a noise from the bedroom! They tip-toed in to investigate. I guess you know what’s coming next, but here it is briefly:
The honest pile of straw that was the black bear’s favourite place to sleep was all scattered! The brown bear’s cosy hammock was torn! But something—or someone—was curled up under the satin sheets of the polar bear’s four-poster bed!


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