Well, I’m one of those Youths you keep talking about. I’m here because, well, bit by bit I’ve had most of my credit deducted from my Community Loyalty Card. And they’ve seized my home. I’d started off alright, with the credits from youth work, befriending old ladies and all that, and the Pledge, but it all went wrong when me dad disappeared. I’d joined The Band of Joy. Pledging to abstain from sweets, junk food, alcohol and drugs—fucking daft, really. Sex and loving relationships etc etc.
I had a load of bonus points for my community activity. Then I lost them for hanging out. And got caught in one of those random piss tests on the street. It was schools and work at first, then on the street, remember? It got worse. There was antisocial joking likely to cause panic or offence—Well, that’s how they put it. Or name-calling of those in authority. And spitting—you can’t help it sometimes with the baccy chewing. Had a job on the side, running a stall, needed the money cos I had no points, but then I got done for selling burgers to minors. I got shopped to Big SIS—like the TV show only gentler and for the community, as they say.
Lots of little things, it just built up. But we’ve got to find out about this time thing. We’re being robbed.