Community Fair

'Working Towards Community 2.0!'

C3 is facilitated by OfCare, in association with the Home Office, the Department of Training and Education, and the Department of Social Cohesion and Security, with generous sponsorship from Symbiomundia (formerly Grindley & Bundage PLC).

* New visitors please start at earliest entry so you can follow our story

Friday, November 18, 2005

It’s all relative

Well, we can freely debate this; we’ve all got different tastes here, but let’s not try to be offensive, shall we? This is a democracy after all, we don’t need to shout each other down. I personally thought it was a lovely, uplifting event. One of the marvellous things about the blogosphere is that we no longer have the old elite around telling us what to think—all sorts of ideas can circulate. People talk about music, books, even politics—yes, I know politics isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but the personal is political, of course. But it’s the people’s opinions which count now, and it all gets posted: their personal problems; the books they’ve read, which they like, which they hate; they even write poetry—or stories, as we’ve seen here. It’s a real process of self-discovery.


It was ABSOLUTE SHITE from beginning to end!!! There was nothing exciting or new or challenging there. Just safe old stuff. Meant to keep you happy and in your place. All those old fucking has beens. Anyway, it wasn’t last weekend—it was the weekend before. We’ve all lost a week.


Another weekend! (Sigh) Well last weekend was fun! Nice to have a bit of a concert. I get so bored these days. Everything seems empty. Winter coming on too, dark evenings, cold, sad, Anyway, I liked some of the new bands. I liked the old stuff but it was kind of like a bit too familiar if you know what I mean.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

C’mon Everybody!

I’d like to remind some of the more passive members of our Community that even if they don’t yet feel like posting their feelings or opinions, they’re welcome to comment on other people’s posts using the Comments facility. We do understand about Social Shyness Disorder; in fact, Drs Feramor and Douce are involved in projects between them to tackle this particularly disabling mode of social exclusion. Do try and add comments, and then perhaps you will grow to become more active citizens. We’re all equally stakeholders in this enterprise and it’s only fair for us to ask the more uncommunicative members to take part in this splendid opportunity for openness and consulation. Think of the blog as a focus group. A chance to make your voice heard in the wilderness. Not that this is a wilderness, of course! A chance to take part in building an Active Community. And don’t worry, there’s no kind of retribution over what you say, and your comments will not be censored or removed.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Announcement from OfTru

I’ve been asked to pass on an announcement from OfTru:
‘OfTru apologise profoundly for the embarrassing mistake of listing the drama, Samson Agonistes, by John Milton, under the Safety Rules for Publication among works that envisage terrorism. This revision has followed advice from universities, libraries, and booksellers. The Historical Offences Committee had, quite rightly, responded promptly to a complaint from a concerned citizen on our SIS phone line. We now accept that this is, in fact, a classic of English Literature and thus an important part of our Heritage and National Identity—the very concepts that create our sense of Community and belonging. We will, however, be keeping a watchful eye on Mr Milton’s activities, so those who are still concerned can rest assured; we will not relinquish our vigilance over your safety and the values of the free world. Please phone SIS if you suspect that anyone in your community is working against it.

The further rumour that Plato’s Republic has been seized as Republican propaganda is a deplorable untruth and a weak attempt at satire in order to mock and discredit this Department’s ongoing mission of defending your liberties against Terror.’

Thursday, November 03, 2005

A Social Event

Let me remind everyone of the relevant legislation and the rationale behind the Register. You see, history is a powerful narrative, and certain images can have a very dangerous effect on a susceptible population. It was felt there was a genuine risk of ‘Direct or indirect incitement of hatred, anger or discontent’, and the part played by historical figures in ‘Inciting, encouraging, favouring, glorifying, considering, condoning, planning, threatening, envisaging, or imagining terrorism or any other antisocial behaviour’ was quite clear. And of course, we all share the common-sense principles whereby ‘Nothing shall be printed, published, promulgated, or uttered which might, directly or by influence, disturb public tranquillity or attack the values of the community or Western values in general.’ So, I’m afraid, we all have to make sacrifices for the greater good.

On a lighter note, we may not have fireworks but we do have the music festival this weekend: Care Aid—The Concert for Human Values. It’s a tremendous vision of a world community where everyone is treated fairly and there’s an end to global unhappiness. Sir Paul McCartney will finish, as always, with a rousing singalong of ‘Hey Jude’, with Sir Bob, Msgr Bono, Sir Cliff, Dame Geri, Sir Elton (whose ‘Candle in the Wind III’ always has tears streaming down everybody’s faces), and all the other Knight Errants of British music. Plus Latvia’s very own Rainbowz Children. This ambitious and laudable aim of persuading world leaders to care more has inspired people from all cultures throughout the wider global community and united supporters from every end of the political spectrum. The Pope, Prime Minister, our Royal Family, and other world leaders will be there lending their generous support.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Bonfire Night again

It IS a shame about the fireworks. But they’re right, we can’t glorify terrorism. And we mustn’t gather in large groups—it’s antisocial. It gets people scared who are on their own. That’s what those Youths do.

Bonfire Night

Shame about the fireworks, isn’t it? I’ve always loved them. The beautiful patterns of light against the black sky. Pure light. Flashing and darting and sparking like my thoughts in the night. My cat Izzy used to love watching them out of the window.