Community Fair

'Working Towards Community 2.0!'

C3 is facilitated by OfCare, in association with the Home Office, the Department of Training and Education, and the Department of Social Cohesion and Security, with generous sponsorship from Symbiomundia (formerly Grindley & Bundage PLC).

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Terrible Loss

I personally want to express my sorrow over the additional misfortune of the setback this has had on the exciting research we’re doing into the curing of genetic forms of antisociality. A real opportunity has been lost here. I am in favour of licensed, regulated brothels. Sexual urges should be accepted but socially and medically moderated. I felt that maybe the rescued subjects could have been employed in an experimental programme in connection with this rather than wasting a scientific opportunity by deporting them, but, alas, I was overruled by some of the more emotive and moralistic members of the community. As I understand it, they invoked the currently fashionable feminism without having a scientific understanding of evolutionary psychology and its contributions to the understanding of sexual difference. This has been a terrible blow to our research.


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